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Abandoned Mobile Apps Report - Google

Pixalate's Q4 2023 Abandoned Mobile Apps Report for the Google Play Store analyzes apps from the Google Play Store that have been “abandoned.” An app is considered abandoned if it has not been updated in at least two years. The report also analyzes “super abandoned” apps (last updated 4+ years ago). 

Key Findings:

  • Google Play Store had 1.3M abandoned apps
    • 38% of all apps, down 4% YoY
    • 449k “super abandoned” (last updated 4+ years ago)
    • Downloaded 40.5+ billion times
  • Estimated open programmatic ad spend on abandoned apps totaled $5.3M between Google ($1M) and Apple ($4.3M)
  • 46% of Russian-registered apps in the Google Play Store and 39% in the Apple App Store are abandoned

Download the Q4 2023 Abandoned Mobile Apps Report for free today, which will include a list of the top 100 apps with app-ads.txt by downloads/user ratings.

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