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Pixalate Week in Review: February 12 - 16, 2024

Feb 16, 2024 2:00:00 PM

This week's review of ad fraud and privacy in the digital advertising space:

Q4 2023 CTV Seller Trust Indexes

Q4 2023 Seller Trust Indexes - CTV

Pixalate released the Q4 2023 Connected TV (CTV) Seller Trust Indexes, the comprehensive global seller quality ratings and rankings for programmatic advertising sold on Roku, Amazon Fire TV, and Samsung devices. You can check out each platforms ratings and rankings below.


Q4 2023 Mobile Seller Trust Indexes

q4 2023 seller trust index for mobile

Pixalate released the Q4 2023 Mobile Seller Trust Indexes, the comprehensive global seller quality ratings and rankings for programmatic advertising sold on mobile apps available for download in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. You can check out the ratings and rankings below.


CTV Publisher Trust Indexes

Jan 2024 CTV Publisher Trust Index

The January 2023 Global CTV Publisher Trust Index (PTI) for apps across the Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Samsung, and Apple TV app stores offers advertisers a comprehensive view of the quality of CTV apps that support programmatic advertising. Download the reports for more:


Samsung Smart TV     Amazon Fire TV

Roku     Apple TV

Mobile Publisher Trust Index

Jan 2024 Mobile Publisher Trust Index

The January 2023 Mobile Publisher Trust Index offers advertisers a comprehensive view of the quality of Mobile apps that support programmatic advertising. The report includes rankings by geographic region, country, app category, and app store, and you can download it here:


Download Now

CTV and Mobile App Manual Reviews

COPPA Manual Review My Little Princess Fairy Games

Pixalate's Trust & Safety Advisory Board regularly publish manual reviews where they assess an app’s child-directedness:

You can search Pixalate's full catalogue of reviews in our CTV and Mobile App Review Page

Industry News

Last week, we presented you with the detailed analysis IAB Tech Lab released on the challenges related to the adoption of Google's Privacy Sandbox in the digital advertising industry.

This week, we bring you Google's response to the IAB Tech Lab analysis:

  • Google disputes the claims made by an IAB Tech Lab report regarding its Privacy Sandbox
  • The report suggests that the Privacy Sandbox could make it more difficult for the marketing industry to display effective ads and could disadvantage smaller brands and media companies
  • Google argues that the report contains inaccuracies and fails to acknowledge the broader goal of the Privacy Sandbox, which is to enhance user privacy while still allowing effective digital advertising
  • Google has provided clarifications in four specific areas to address the inaccuracies and misunderstandings highlighted in the report
Read the full Search Engine Land article here

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