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9 Russian state-owned mobile apps available in Google, Apple stores are on OFAC sanctioned-entities list and selling programmatic ads

Feb 25, 2022 6:15:00 PM

The Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”) from the U.S. Department of Treasury maintains lists of sanctioned countries, persons and companies. Individuals and entities in the U.S. (including U.S. branches or subsidiaries of foreign entities) doing business overseas must have robust compliance policies and controls in place to ensure they do not transact with any OFAC-sanctioned countries, entities or individuals. For Russian companies, much of the financial industry is sanctioned currently.

On February 24, 2022, OFAC updated its Russian-related designations and included YooMoney on its correspondent account or a payable-through account (CAPTA) list of sanctioned companies under Executive Order 14024 Directive 2, which covers “prohibitions related to correspondent or payable-through accounts and processing of transactions involving certain foreign financial institutions.”

9 YooMoney apps in the Google and Apple App Stores


There are 9 apps from YooMoney available for download on the Google and Apple app stores as of February 25, 2022. In 2020, YooMoney (then operating as Yandex.Money) was wholly acquired by Sberbank, a state-owned Russian bank.

YooMoney’s most popular app on the Google Play Store, called “YooMoney — wallet, cashback,” has over 1 million downloads. All 9 of the apps are monetized via programmatic advertising, according to Pixalate’s data.


See the 9 apps here, including which permissions they request access to (such as GPS coordinates and camera).

Download The List


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