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  2. Made for Advertising (MFA)

How to use Pixalate’s MFA Data feeds to block MFA traffic


How can I use the MFA Data feeds to combat MFA?

Pixalate provides three data feeds to enable clients to manage their MFA risk. 

  1. The MFA Websites/Domains data feed
  2. The MFA Mobile Apps Data feed
  3. The MFA CTV Apps Datafeed

Each data feed consists of a list of websites (or apps) along with the associated MFA Risk as described above in the methodology section.

These lists will be updated daily and will be available to download every 8am PST.

The naming convention and format of the lists are as follows

MFA Website/Domains Data feed:

Folder Name: domainmfa

File Format: CSV

Schema: domain | risk

Naming convention in FTP folder: domainMFARisk_YYYYMMDD



More information

- MFA Overview

- MFA Product Overview

- Using the MRT to identify MFA traffic

If you have any further questions or feedback, please contact us via your Customer Success Manager, or by emailing us at support@pixalate.com