How to use the MFA CTV Apps Data Feed to combat and mitigate MFA risk.
The MFA CTV Apps data feed consists of a list of apps that have an associated MFA Risk ranging from medium to high. The categorization is based on factors including:
- Ad Refresh Rate: Number of ad impressions observed per device, per minute
- Age: Age of the app on the App Store
- IVT: IVT% of the App across regions
- Popularity Score: Pixalate’s popularity score for the app
- Reviews: Number of Reviews
For further methodology details across all environments, please see here.
The list is updated daily and available for download at 8am PST.
MFA CTV Apps Data feed:
Folder Name: ctvappsmfa
File Format: CSV
Schema: platform (store) | appID | risk
Naming convention in FTP folder: ctvappsMFARisk_YYYYMMDD