Pre-Set Reports

Refer to the Reported Invalid Traffic (IVT) Types page for additional detail regarding the Invalid Traffic (IVT) metrics available, including General Invalid Traffic (GIVT) and Sophisticated Invalid Traffic (SIVT).

By AppId


  • (1) IVT insights presented in comparison to Gross Traffic (prior to removal of IVT - GIVT & SIVT); (2) discrete metric breakout presented by App ID (GIVT / SIVT); (3) line graph and pie chart formats available.
  • Metrics and Dimensions can be added and removed via the 'Apply Filters' or 'Add Column' reporting features. Refer to the Analytics Reporting Overview page for additional detail regarding the reporting functionality available.
  • Refer to the Reported Invalid Traffic (IVT) Types page for additional detail regarding the IVT metrics available.

By Domain


  • (1) IVT insights presented in comparison to Gross Traffic (prior to removal of IVT - GIVT & SIVT); (2) discrete metric breakout presented by Domain; (3) line graph and pie chart formats available.
  • Metrics and Dimensions can be added and removed via the 'Apply Filters' or 'Add Column' reporting features. Refer to the Analytics Reporting Overview page for additional detail regarding the reporting functionality available.
  • Refer to the Reported Invalid Traffic (IVT) Types page for additional detail regarding the IVT metrics available.

By Fraud Type


  • (1) IVT insights presented in comparison to Gross Traffic (prior to removal of IVT - GIVT & SIVT); (2) discrete metric breakout presented by Fraud Type; (3) line graph and pie chart formats available.
  • Metrics and Dimensions can be added and removed via the 'Apply Filters' or 'Add Column' reporting features. Refer to the Analytics Reporting Overview page for additional detail regarding the reporting functionality available.
  • Refer to the Reported Invalid Traffic (IVT) Types page for additional detail regarding the IVT metrics available.

By Seller


  • (1) IVT insights presented in comparison to Gross Traffic (prior to removal of IVT - GIVT & SIVT); (2) discrete metric breakout presented by Seller; (3) line graph and pie chart formats available.
  • Metrics and Dimensions can be added and removed via the 'Apply Filters' or 'Add Column' reporting features. Refer to the Analytics Reporting Overview page for additional detail regarding the reporting functionality available.
  • Refer to the Reported Invalid Traffic (IVT) Types page for additional detail regarding the IVT metrics available.

By Publisher


  • (1) IVT insights presented in comparison to Gross Traffic (prior to removal of IVT - GIVT & SIVT); (2) discrete metric breakout presented by Publisher; (3) line graph and pie chart formats available.
  • Metrics and Dimensions can be added and removed via the 'Apply Filters' or 'Add Column' reporting features. Refer to the Analytics Reporting Overview page for additional detail regarding the reporting functionality available.
  • Refer to the Reported Invalid Traffic (IVT) Types page for additional detail regarding the IVT metrics available.

Invalid Traffic


  • (1) IVT insights presented in comparison to Gross Traffic (prior to removal of IVT - GIVT & SIVT); (2) discrete metric breakout presented by Invalid Traffic type (GIVT / SIVT); (3) line graph and pie chart formats available.
  • Metrics and Dimensions can be added and removed via the 'Apply Filters' or 'Add Column' reporting features. Refer to the Analytics Reporting Overview page for additional detail regarding the reporting functionality available.
  • Refer to the Reported Invalid Traffic (IVT) Types page for additional detail regarding the IVT metrics available.

By Ad Platform


  • (1) IVT insights presented in comparison to Gross Traffic (prior to removal of IVT - GIVT & SIVT); (2) discrete metric breakout presented by Ad Platforms (GIVT / SIVT); (3) line graph and pie chart formats available.
  • Metrics and Dimensions can be added and removed via the 'Apply Filters' or 'Add Column' reporting features. Refer to the Analytics Reporting Overview page for additional detail regarding the reporting functionality available.
  • Refer to the Reported Invalid Traffic (IVT) Types page for additional detail regarding the IVT metrics available.