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Pixalate Week in Review: June 24 - 28, 2024

Jun 28, 2024 4:00:00 PM

This week's review of ad fraud and privacy in the digital advertising space:

Supply Chain Object Verification Report

Q1 2024 SCO_ Supply Chain Object Verification Report - email and blog cover

Pixalate this week released the Q1 2024 SupplyChain Object (SCO) Verification Report contains insights from Pixalate’s OpenRTB SCO verification process, which examines open programmatic advertising Supply Chain Objects (SCO) across Desktop and Mobile Web and also measures its implications for Invalid Traffic.


Web Traffic    Mobile Apps    CTV Apps

Connected TV (CTV) SSP Market Share Rankings

Pixalate - Q1 2024 CTV SSP North America Market Share email and blog cover

The Q1 2024 CTV Supply-Side Platform (SSP) Market Share Report ranks open programmatic advertising SSPs by their estimated market share in North America for advertising delivered on apps in the Roku, Fire TV, Samsung Smart TV, and Apple TV App Stores as of March 2024.


LATAM    North America    EMEA

CTV App Spoofing Report



The May 2024 Connected TV (CTV) App Spoofing Reports for Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Samsung Smart TV, and Apple TV reveal which CTV apps are most at risk of app spoofing.


Samsung Smart TV    Amazon Fire TV

Apple TV    Roku

Mobile App Spoofing Report



The May 2024 Mobile App Spoofing Reports for the Apple App Store and Google Play Store reveal which mobile apps are most at risk of app spoofing.


Google Play Store    Apple App Store

Top 100 CTV Bundle IDs


The May 2024 Top 100 CTV Bundle ID rankings are based on global open programmatic advertising data, as measured by Pixalate. The Bundle IDs are ranked after removing invalid traffic (IVT).


Samsung Smart TV     Amazon Fire TV

Apple TV     Roku

COPPA Manual App Reviews

COPPA Manual Review Series - Word Swipe Pic

Pixalate's Trust & Safety Advisory Board published five new manual reviews this week where they assess an app’s child-directedness:


You can search Pixalate's full catalogue of reviews in our CTV and Mobile App Review Page

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